Title Authors Year
Effects of sulphur dioxide on the development of fungal diseases of winter barley in an open-air fumigation system. Mansfield, P.J… 1991
Zeigerwerte von Pflanzen in Mitteleuropa Ellenberg, H… 1991
Influence of NH3 and (NH4)2SO4 on heathland vegetation Eerdern, L.J… 1991
Mechansims of adaptions of plants to acid soils Marschner, H. 1991
Effects of nitrogen loading on wetland ecosystems, with particular reference to atmospheric deposition Morris, J.T. 1991
Forestry and soil protection in the UK Moffatt, A.J. 1991
The effects of acid deposition on nature conservation in Great Britain Woodin, S.J.;… 1991
Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on sources of variation in ecotoxicological tests with Daphnia magna Van der Hoeven… 1991
The yield of winter cereals exposed to sulphur dioxide under field conditions. McLeod, A.R.;… 1991
Physiological-effects of long-term exposure to low concentrations of SO2 and NH3 on poplar leaves Hove, L.W.A.;… 1991
Eutrophication: assessment, research and management with special reference to Scotland's Freshwaters Bailey-Watts,… 1990
The difficulties of abating smoke in Late Victorian York Bowler, C.;… 1990
Fresh-water acidification - its effects on species and communities of fresh-water microbes, plants and animals Muniz, I.P. 1990
Decline of carpophores of mycorrhizal fungi instand, of Pinus sylvestris Termoshuizen,… 1990
Yield Responses of Different Crop Species to Long-Term Fumigation with Sulphur Dioxide in Open-Top Chambers Weigel, H.J… 1990