Title Authors Year
“Heavy Metals” – A meaningless term Duffus, J. H. 2002
Ozone effects on Sphagnum mosses, carbon dioxide exchange and methane emission in boreal peatland microcosms. Niemi, R. ;… 2002
Effects of nutrient addition and acidification on plant species diversity and seed germination in heathland. Roem, W.J. ;… 2002
Environmental Health Criteria 226 Palladium WHO 2002
Heavy metal (Pb, Zn, Cd, Fe and Cu) contents of plant foliage near the Anvil Range lead/zinc mine, Faro, Yukon Territory Pugh, R. E.,… 2002
Quantifying nitrogen fixation in feather bryophyte carpets of boreal forests. DeLuca, T.H… 2002
Parasitic fungus mediates change in nitrogen-exposed boreal forest vegetation. Stengbom, J.;… 2002
UK Greenhouse Gas Inventory NetCen, 2002
Growth of Norway spruce (Picea abies) in relation to the AOT40 index. Skarby, L.;… 2002
Soil core method for direct simultaneous determination of N-2 and N2O emissions from forest soils Butterbach-… 2002
Effects of nitrogen deposition on growth and survival of montane Racomitrium lanuginosum heath Pearce, I.F.K… 2002
Monitoring with Lichens - Monitoring Lichens,Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Lichen Monitoring, Wales, United Kingdom, 16-23 August 2000 Nimis, P.L.;… 2002
Plant uptake of cadmium, zinc and manganese from four contrasting soils amended with Cd-enriched sewage sludge Ramachandran,… 2002
Effects of oxidants at the whole plant and community level Ashmore, M.R. 2002
Effects of manganese on the viability of vegetative diaspores of the epiphytic lichen Hypogymnia physodes Hauck, M ;… 2002