Title Authors Year
A survey of the health of Fagus sylvatica in southern Britain. Ling, K.A.;… 1993
Distribution and decline of endangered herbaceous heathland species in relation to the chemical composition of the soil Houdijk, A.L.F… 1993
How Britain hides its acid soil Pearce, F. 1993
Nitrogen eutrophication and critical load for nitrogen based upon changes in flora and fauna in (semi)-natural terrestrial ecosystems Bobbink, R.;… 1993
Salt-Marsh Processes - a Review Vernberg, F.J. 1993
The influence of nitrogen fertilization on ectomycorrhizas and their fungal corpophores in young stands of Pinus sylvestris Termoshuizen,… 1993
Effect of acid rain on pine needles as food for capercaillie in winter Spidsx, T.K.;… 1993
Effects of acidic gases and mists on the reproductive capability of 3 fern species Lawrence, P.A… 1993
Examining the Cr uptake of ryegrass from inorganic compounds and sewage sludge in pot experiements Loch, J ;… 1993
Terrestrial SSSIs at risk from acidification in Scotland Ross, A. 1993
Sphagnum species and polluted environments, past and future Lee, J.A.;… 1993
Observations on the changes in nitrate concentrations in seven upland moorland catchments in north eastern Scotland Black, K.E.;… 1993
The exchange of ammonia between the atmosphere and plant communities. Sutton, M.A.;… 1993
Impacts of sulphur and nitrogen deposition on sites and species of nature conservation importance in Great Britain Woodin, S.J.;… 1993
Terrestrial SSSIs at risk from soil acidification in Wales Sketch, C.A.;… 1993