Title Authors Year
Effects of ionising radiation on aquatic organisms National… 1991
The mechanisms of arsenate tolerance in Deschampsia cespitosa (L.) Beauv. and Agrostis capillaris L. Adaptation of the arsenate uptake system Meharg, A. A… 1991
Environmental Health Criteria 125 Platinum WHO 1991
Acid rain since 1985 - times are changing Brydges, T.G… 1991
Air pollution and agriculture Ashmore, M.R. 1991
Nitrogen Uptake and Allocation by Calluna-Vulgaris (L) Hull and Deschampsia-Flexuosa (L) Trin Exposed to 15NH3 Dueck, T.A.;… 1991
Concurrent exposure to SO2 and/or NO2 alters groweth and Yield responses of wheat and barley to low concentrations of O3. Adaros, G. ;… 1991
Changes in species composition of semi-natural vegetation associated with the increase in atmospheric inputs of nitrogen Pitcairn, C.E.… 1991
Uptake, accumualtion and translocation of arsenate in arsenate-tolerant and non-tolerant Holcus lanatus L. Meharg, A. A… 1991
Nitrate in soil water Westling, O. 1991
Acid deposition: its nature and impacts Last, F.T. 1991
Comparisons of 3 Woodland Sites in NW Britain Differing in Richness of the Epiphytic Lobarion-Pulmonariae Community and Levels of Wet Acidic Deposition Farmer, A.M.;… 1991
Acid Rain - Critical and Target Load Maps for the United Kingdom Environment,… 1991
Single and Interactive Effects of Low Levels of O3, SO2 and NO2 on the Growth and Yield of Spring Rape. Adaros, G. ;… 1991
Acidic deposition: its nature and impacts Last, F.T.;… 1991