Title Authors Year
Changes in species richness and composition in European acidic grasslands over the past 70 years: the contribution of cumulative atmospheric nitrogen deposition. Dupre, C.;… 2009
Validation of the stomatal flux approach for the assessment of ozone visible injury in young forest trees. Results from the TOP (transboundary ozone pollution) experiment at Curno, Italy. Gerosa, G. ;… 2009
Light limitation of nutrient-poor lake ecosystems. Karlsson, J… 2009
Quantifying the impact of current and future tropospheric ozone on tree biomass, growth, physiology and biochemistry: a quantitative meta-analysis. Wittig, V.E… 2009
Evidence for changing the critical level for ammonia Cape, J. N., van der Eerden…, Sheppard, L. J. 2009
Long-term ozone effects on vegetation, microbial community and methane dynamics of boreal peatland microcosms in open-field conditions. Morsky, S.K… 2008
Reduced nitrogen has a greater effect than oxidised nitrogen on dry heathland vegetation Van den Berg,… 2008
Interactions of forests with secondary air pollutants: Some challenges for future research. Cape, J.N. 2008
Review and implementation study of biomonitoring for assessment of air quality outcomes Bealey, W.J.;… 2008
Base cation depletion, eutrophication and acidification of species-rich grasslands in response to long-term simulated nitrogen deposition. Horswill, P… 2008
Short-term flux chamber experiment to quantify the deposition of gaseous 15N-NH3 to Calluna vulgaris Jones, M.R. ;… 2008
Water quality limits for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) exposed to short term reductions in pH and increased aluminum simulating episodes. Kroglund, F… 2008
Sources and properties of non-exhaust particulate matter from road traffic: A review. Thorpe, A. ;… 2008
Estimate of annual NH3 dry deposition to a fumigated ombrotrophic bog using concentration-dependent deposition velocities. Cape, J.N., Jones, M.R., Leith, I.D. 2008
Factors controlling soil development in sand dunes: evidence from a coastal dune soil chronosequence Jones, M.L.M… 2008