Title Authors Year
Empirical nitrogen critical loads: update since Lokeberg (1992) Bobbink, R.;… 1995
Effects of Stream Acidity on Non-Breeding Dippers Cinclus- Cinclus in the South-Central Highlands of Scotland Logie, J.W. 1995
Relationships between afforestation, water chemistry and fish stocks in an upland catchment in south west Scotland. Rees, R.;… 1995
The nitrogen-phosphorus relationship in mountain lakes: Influence of atmospheric input, watershed, and pH Kopácek, J.;… 1995
Biodiversity: the UK Steering Group report Group,… 1995
Nitrogen saturation in a long-term forest experiment with annual additions of nitrogen Tamm, C.O.;… 1995
Effects of PCBs, PCDDs and PCDFs on fish-eating birds Bosveld, A.T.C… 1994
The calculation of weathering rates and their role in the determination of critical loads Langan, S.J.;… 1994
Acidification of freshwater ecosystems: implications for the future Steinberg, C.E… 1994
The effects of excess nitrogen deposition on young Norway spruce trees. Part I: the vegetation Wilson, E.J.;… 1994
Predicting recovery of freshwater ecosystems: trout in Norwegian lakes Cosby, B.J.;… 1994
Experimental fluoride accumulation and toxicity in the short-tailed field vole (Microtus agrestis) Boulton, I.C… 1994
Acidification of freshwater ecosystems: implications for the future. Environmental Sciences Research Report Raddum, G.G.;… 1994
Impacts of nitrogen deposition on terrestrial ecosystems UKRGIAN, 1994
Atlas of the bryophytes of the British Isles Preston, C.D… 1994