Title Authors Year
Forest decline and Air Pollution Schulze, E.D… 1989
Lichen Recolonization in London under Conditions of Rapidly Falling Sulfur-Dioxide Levels, and the Concept of Zone Skipping. Hawksworth, D.… 1989
A comparison of plant toxicities of some industrial chemicals in soil culture and soilless culture Adema, D ;… 1989
Acid rain and eggshells Drent, P.J.;… 1989
The acidification of Scottish lochs Battarbee, R.W. 1989
Simulation of the long-term soil response to acid deposition in various buffer ranges Vries, W.;… 1989
Results of the harmful effects of water pollutants to Daphnia magna in the 21 day Reproduction Test Kühn, R ;… 1989
Global Emissions of Nitrogen and Sulfur-Oxides from 1860 to 1980 Dignon, J. ;… 1989
Effects of cadmium and PCBs on reproduction of the sea star Asterias rubens: aberrations in the early development Besten, P. J.… 1989
Acute toxicity of six metals to the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus, with comparisons to other freshwater organisms Couillard, Y… 1989
Effects of N-emissions on nutrient status and vitality of Pinus sylvestris near a hen house. Kaupenjohann,… 1989
Acidification and Otter (Lutra-Lutra) Distribution in Scotland Mason, C.F.;… 1989
Effects of SO2, NO2, and O3 on Population Development and Morphological and Physiological Parameters of Native Herb Layer Species in a Beech Forest. Steubing, L… 1989
Indigenous and cultivated plants as bioindicators Weinstein, L.H… 1989
Effects of ammonia emission on epiphytic lichen vegetation DeBakker, A.J. 1989