Title Authors Year
Short-term physiological responses of mosses to atmospheric ammonium and nitrate. Soares, A.;… 1997
Soil acidification: a provisional model for New Zealand pastoral systems. de Klein, C.A.… 1997
The impact of a road upon adjacent heathland vegetation: Effects on plant species composition Angold, P.G. 1997
Predicting nitrate concentrations in Northern Ireland rivers using time series analysis Strong, K.M.;… 1997
Acid Deposition in the United Kingdom 1992-1994 Rain, Review… 1997
Pollution-related variation in food supply and breeding success in two hole-nesting passerines. Eeva, T.; E.,… 1997
Aquatic Plants in Britain and Ireland Preston, C.D… 1997
Short communication: Ozone levels in Paris one century ago Anfossi, D.;… 1997
Human impacts on the nitrogen cycle: A global problem judged from a local perspective Hessen, D.O.;… 1997
opper mobility in a copper-contaminated sandy soil as affected by pH and solid and dissolved organic matter Temminghoff, E… 1997
Reduced soil P availability in a Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong) Carr) plantation induced by applied acid-mist: Significance in forest decline Carreira, J.A… 1997
Air pollution an introduction Colls, J. 1997
Mapping of rainfall chemistry in Ireland 1972-94 Jordan, C. 1997
Lichens and moss as bioindicators and bioaccumulators in air pollution monitoring Palmieri, F ;… 1997
The influence of nitrogen fertilization on the carbon economy of Paxillus involutus in ectomycorrhizal association with Betula pendula Ek, H. 1997