Title Authors Year
Deposition fluxes of acidifying compounds in the United Kingdom Group,… 1997
Responses on ground vegetation to prolonged simulated acid rain in sub-artic pine-birch forest Shertsova, A… 1997
Responses of Norwegian alpine Betula nana community to nitrogen fertilization Paal, J.;… 1997
Acid deposition in the United Kingdom UKRGAR, 1997
Emission, concentration and deposition of acidifying substances. Erisman, J.W… 1997
Fluorinated organics in the biosphere Key, B.D.;… 1997
Ecology of dunes, salt marsh and shingle Packham, J.R… 1997
Guidance for Operators and Inspectors of IPC Processes, Best Practicable Environmental Option Assessments for Integrated Pollution Control EA, 1997
Artificial selection and heritability of ozone resistance in two populations of P. major L. Whitfield, C.P… 1997
Calculation and evaluation of sediment effect concentrations for the amphiod Hyalella azteca and the midge Chironomus riparius Ingersoll, C.G… 1996
Current and historical relationships between the tissue N content of a snowbed bryophyte and nitrogenous air pollution. Woolgrove, C.E… 1996
Climate Change 1995. The Science of Climate Change. Contribution of Working Group I to the Second Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC, 1996
An inventory of lowland raised bogs in Great Britain Lindsay, R.;… 1996
Plant Cuticles - an Integrated Functional Approach Kersteins, G. 1996
Estimates of nitrous oxide emissions in the UK Skiba, U.;… 1996