Title Authors Year
On the use of mosses (Hylocomium splendens and Pleurozium schreberi) for estimating atmospheric trace metal deposition Ross, H.B. 1990
Calculated rates of soil acidification of intensively used grassland in the Netherlands. Oenema, O. 1990
Mechanism of toxicity of zinc to the marine diatom Nitzschia closterium Stauber, J. L… 1990
Sediment chemistry and atmospheric contamination Rippey, B. 1990
Large Lakes: ecological structure and function Kilham, S.S.;… 1990
The nutritional status of Picea abies (L.) Karst. across Europe, and implications for "forest decline". Cape, J.N.;… 1990
Fine Root Studies in situ and in the Laboratory. Wollmer, H. ;… 1990
Seasonal changes in amino acids, protein and total nitrogen in needles of fertilised Scots pine trees Näsholm, T.;… 1990
Hematological Parameters in Fish Channa punctatus Under the Stress of Manganese Garg, V. K.;… 1989
A global assessment of natural sources of atmospheric trace metals Nriagu, J.O. 1989
Interacting effects of soil acidity and canopy cover on the species composition of field layer vegetation in oak/hornbeam forests Tyler, G. 1989
Statutory Instrument (1989): The Sludge (Use in Agriculture) Regulations HMSO, 1989
Manganese induced haematological and biochemical anomalies in Heteropneustes fossilis Garg, V. K.;… 1989
Forest decline and Air Pollution Schulze, E.D… 1989
Lichen Recolonization in London under Conditions of Rapidly Falling Sulfur-Dioxide Levels, and the Concept of Zone Skipping. Hawksworth, D.… 1989