Title Authors Year
Sulphur isotopic investigation of a polluted raised bog and the uptake of pollutant sulphur by Sphagnum Thompson, A.;… 1998
Iron-manganese interactions among clones of nilegrass Foy, C. D.;… 1998
Arsenic in wetland vegetation: Availability, phytotoxicity, uptake and effects on plant growth and nutrition Carbonell, A.… 1998
Proposed Environmental Quality Standards for Cobalt in Water Grimwood, M ;… 1998
Impacts and fate of experimentally enhanced nitrogen deposition on a British lowland heath. Power, S.;… 1998
The effect of air pollution from nitrogen dioxide (NO2) on epiphytic lichens in Seville, Spain. Funetes, J.M.C… 1998
Nitrogen and drought effects on ectomycorrhizae of Norway spruce [Picea abries L. (Karst.)]. Nilsen, P.;… 1998
The nitrogen content of upland rivers in Britain: the significance of organic N Chapman, P.J… 1998
Consequences of high loads of nitrogen for spruce (Picea abies) and beech (Fagus sylvatica) forests. Rennenberg, H… 1998
Acid Deposition in the United Kingdom 1992-1994 Rain, Review… 1997
Canadian water quality guidelines for chromium Pawlisz, A. V… 1997
Depositional time trends and remobilization of PCBs in lake sediments Gevao, B.;… 1997
Ozone in the United Kingdom - 4th Report of the Photochemical Oxidants Review Group Group,… 1997
Association of antimony with traffic - occurrence in airborne dust, deposition and accumulation in standardized grass cultures Dietl, C ;… 1997
Growth of autotrophic and root-hemiparasitic understory plants under elevated CO2 and increased N deposition Hattenschwiler… 1997