Title Authors Year
New Atlas of the British and Irish Flora Preston, C.D… 2002
Changes in the rhizosphere of metal-accumulating plants evidenced by chemical extractants Hammer, D ;… 2002
Developing an inventory of N2O emissions from British Soils Sozanska, M.;… 2002
Biological availability of traffic-related platinum group elements (Palladium, platinum and rhodium) and other metals to zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) in water containing road dust Zimmermann, S… 2002
Changing nutrient budget of sand dunes: consequences for the nature conservation interest and dune management. 1 Jones, M.L.M… 2002
Review of sublethal ecotoxicological tests for measuring harm in terrestrial ecosystems Spurgeon, D.;… 2002
Effects of oxidants at the biochemical, cell, and physiological levels, with particular reference to ozone Long, S.P.;… 2002
Monitoring with Lichens - Monitoring Lichens Van Herk, C.M… 2002
Long-term implications of industrial pollution stress on lipids composition in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) roots Pukacki, P.M… 2002
Lead and cadmium in soil and Isopoda woodlice in Croatia Blanusa, M ;… 2002
Growth, nitrogen uptake, and resource allocation in the two tripartite lichens Nephroma arcticum and Peltigera aphthosa during nitrogen stress Dahlmann, L… 2002
Effects of sulphur dioxide. Legge, A.H. ;… 2002
Phytoremediation of polluted waters, potentials and prospects of wetland plants Wang, Q ; Cui… 2002
Whole ecosystem N manipulation: An updated review Cunha, A. ;… 2002
Lichens as bioindicators of sulfur dioxide Nash, T.H.;… 2002