Title Authors Year
Sources, dispersion and fate of atmospheric ammonia Dragosits, U… 2008
Windthrow damage in Picea abies is associated with physical and chemical stem wood properties Meyer, F.D. ;… 2008
Environmental and anthropogenic controls over bacterial communities in wetland soils. Hartman, W.H… 2008
The use of biomonitoring tools to detect ecosystem response following exposure to contaminants emitted from a regulated industrial source. Long, S. ;… 2008
Long-term ozone effects on vegetation, microbial community and methane dynamics of boreal peatland microcosms in open-field conditions. Morsky, S.K… 2008
Reduced nitrogen has a greater effect than oxidised nitrogen on dry heathland vegetation Van den Berg,… 2008
Interactions of forests with secondary air pollutants: Some challenges for future research. Cape, J.N. 2008
Review and implementation study of biomonitoring for assessment of air quality outcomes Bealey, W.J.;… 2008
Diversity and sensitivity of epiphytes to oxides of nitrogen in London Davies, L.;… 2007
Bryophyte Ecology, Vol. 1. Physiological Ecology Glime, J.M. 2007
Derivation of ozone flux-yield relationships for lettuce: a key horticultural crop. Goumenaki, E… 2007
Volcanic explosive eruptions of the Vesuvio decrease tree-ring growth but not photosynthetic rates in the surrounding forests. Battipaglia, G… 2007
Shoot growth of mature Fagus sylvatica and Picea abies in relation to ozone. Braun, S.;… 2007
Report on the Workshop on Atmospheric Ammonia: Detecting Emission Changes and Environmental Impacts UNECE, 2007
The impacts of ozone on nature conservation Morrissey, T… 2007