Title Authors Year
The Deposition of Atmospheric Ammonia and Its Effects on Plants Pearson, J.;… 1993
Review of the impact of current and future acid deposition in Wales Reynolds, B.;… 1993
Critical Loads - Concepts and Applications Cresser, M.S… 1993
Stratospheric Aerosol Optical Depths, 1850-1990. Sato, M. ;… 1993
Urban Air Quality in the United Kingdom. First Report of the Quality of Urban Air Review Group Group, Quality… 1993
Diet and Habitat Use of the Dotterel Charadrius-Morinellus in Scotland Galbraith, H… 1993
Estimating the relative contribution of SOx�, NOx and NHx inputs to effects of atmospheric deposition Sutton, M.A.;… 1993
The Environmental Implications of UK Sulphur Emission Policy Options for England and Wales Farmer, A.M.;… 1993
The effects of dust on vegetation - a review Farmer, A.M. 1993
A new potential air-quality criterion derived from vertical flux densitites of ozone and from plant response Grunhage, L.;… 1993
The effect of external stress and disturbance factors on Calluna dominated heathland vegetation. Berdowski, J.J… 1993
Direct damage to vegetation caused by acid rain and polluted cloud: definition of critical levels for forest trees Cape, J.N. 1993
The Effect of pH on Feeding-Behaviour in Newt Larvae (Triturus, Amphibia). Griffiths, R.A. 1993
Direct damage to vegetation caused by acid rain and polluted cloud: definition of critical levels for forest trees. Cape, J.N. 1993
Atmospheric Change - Effect on Plant Pests and Diseases Bell, J.N.B.;… 1993