Title Authors Year
Cadmium and zinc interactions and their transfer in soil-crop system under actual field conditions Nan, Z ; Li, J… 2002
Effects of NH3 Fumigation on the Frost Hardiness of Calluna- Does N Deposition Increase Winter Damage by Frost? Sheppard, L.J., Leith, I.D. 2002
Ökologie und Vegetation der Wälder Nordostdeutschlands Anders, S. ;… 2002
“Heavy Metals” – A meaningless term Duffus, J. H. 2002
Transboundary Air Pollution: Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-Level Ozone in the UK - NEGTAP Pollution),… 2001
Water quality in Scotland: the view of the regulator Science of the Total Environment Marsden, M.W… 2001
Limnology: lake and river ecosystems Wetzel, R.G. 2001
Environmental Health Criteria 221 Zinc WHO, 2001
Accumulation of perfluorooctane sulfonate in marine mammals Kannan, K.;… 2001
Upland plant communities - sensitivity to change Milne, J.A.;… 2001
Relationships between chromium biomaginification ratio, accumulation factor and mycorrhizae in plants growing on tannery effluent-polluted soil Khan, A. G. 2001
Deposition of acidifying and eutrophying air pollutants in Scotland: Mapping critical loads, critical levels and exceedances Fowler, D.;… 2001
The management of lowland neutral grasslands in Britain: effects of agricultural practices on birds and their food resources Vickery, J.A… 2001
Indirect effects of zinc on soil microbes via a keystone enchytraeid species Salminen, J.,… 2001
Impacts of increased nitrogen supply on high Arctic heath: the importance of bryophytes and phosphus availability Gordon, C.;… 2001