Title Authors Year
Comparison of techniques to increase Calluna vulgaris cover on heathland invaded by grasses in Breckland, south east England. Britton, A.J… 2000
Mycorrhizal weathering: A true case of mineral plant nutrition ? Van Breemen, N… 2000
Severe photobiont injuries of lichens strongly associated with air pollution Tarhanen, S.;… 2000
Nitrogen deposition and effects in European forests. Erisman, J.W… 2000
Impact of ozone on the reproductive development of plants. Black, V.J. ;… 2000
Direct Measurements of the UK Source Strength of Radiatively Active Gases Fowler, D.;… 2000
Toxic effects of cadmium and zinc on ectomycorrhizal colonization of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) from soil inoculum Hartley-… 2000
Biomonitoring of air quality using plants. Mulgrew, A.;… 2000
2000Long-term changes of nitrogen and phosphorus loadings to a large lake in North-west Ireland Zhou, Q.; Foy… 2000
Wetlands Mitsch, W.J… 2000
Evaluation and analysis of a dynamic terrestrial ecosystem model under pre-industrial conditions at the global scale Friend, A.D.;… 2000
Report from the specialist's meeting on protection of the environment from the effects of ionising radiation: International perspectives IAEA, 2000
Potential Uses of Biomonitoring in Pollution Control - An Introductory Guide Osborn, D.;… 2000
Response of needle sulphur and nitrogen concentrations of Scots pine versus Norway spruce to SO2 and NO2 Manninen, S.;… 2000
Healthy river habitats fit for wildlife: Deriving the physical dimension. Raven, P.J.;… 2000