Title Authors Year
Nitrogen deposition causes widespread species loss in British Habitats Maskell, L.C… 2010
Terrestrial Umbrella: Effects of Eutrophication and Acidification on Terrestrial Ecosystems. UKREATE, . 2010
The role of Sphagnum mosses in the methane cycling of a boreal mire. Larmola, T. ;… 2010
Terricolous alpine lichens are sensitive to both load and concentration of applied nitrogen and have potential as bioindicators of nitrogen deposition Britton, A.J… 2010
Contribution of acidification and eutrophication to declines in species richness of calcifuges grasslands along a gradient of atmospheric nitrogen deposition. Stevens, C.J… 2010
Changes in species richness and composition in European acidic grasslands over the past 70 years: the contribution of cumulative atmospheric nitrogen deposition Dupre, C.;… 2010
Use of sap flow measurements to validate stomatal functions for mature beech (Fagus sylvatica) in view of ozone uptake calculations. Braun, S.;… 2010
Emissions as used in EMEP Models. CEIP, . 2010
Long-term variation in the littoral food web of an acidified mountain lake. Layer, K. ;… 2010
UK Habitat Type - Freshwater JNCC, 2010
Below-ground carbon allocation in mature beech and spruce trees following long-term, experimentally enhanced O3 exposure in Southern Germany Anderson, C.P… 2010
Mapping Critial Levels for Vegetation UNECE, 2010
Chemical fluxes in time through forest ecosystems in the UK – Soil response to pollution recovery. Vanguelova, E.… 2010
Recovery of lakes and streams in the UK from acid rain. The United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network 20 year interpretative report Kernan, M.;… 2010
Terrestrial Umbrella – Effects of Eutrophication and Acidification on Terrestrial Ecosystems. UKREATE, . 2010