Title Authors Year
Effects of PCBs, PCDDs and PCDFs on fish-eating birds Bosveld, A.T.C… 1994
The calculation of weathering rates and their role in the determination of critical loads Langan, S.J.;… 1994
Acidification of freshwater ecosystems: implications for the future Steinberg, C.E… 1994
The effects of excess nitrogen deposition on young Norway spruce trees. Part I: the vegetation Wilson, E.J.;… 1994
Experimental fluoride accumulation and toxicity in the short-tailed field vole (Microtus agrestis) Boulton, I.C… 1994
Predicting recovery of freshwater ecosystems: trout in Norwegian lakes Cosby, B.J.;… 1994
Acidification of freshwater ecosystems: implications for the future. Environmental Sciences Research Report Raddum, G.G.;… 1994
Atlas of the bryophytes of the British Isles Preston, C.D… 1994
The influence of acid rain mists on growth, dry matter partitioning, nutrient concentrations and mycorrhizal fruiting bodies in red spruce seedlings. Deans, J.D.;… 1994
Impacts of nitrogen deposition on terrestrial ecosystems UKRGIAN, 1994
Critical levels of air pollutants for Europe Ashmore, M.R… 1994
Acid Rain and its Impact: The Critical Loads Debate. Hornung, M.;… 1994
Response of blue spruce (Picea pungens) to manganese pollution from MMT Forget, E. ;… 1994
Interpretive review of the potential adverse affects of chlorinated organic chemicals on human health and the environment Munro, I.C.;… 1994
Toxicity of nickel ores to marine organisms Florence, T. M… 1994