Title Authors Year
The effects of ozone and acid mist on Scots pine seedlings. Skeffington, R… 1985
Effect of soil processes on the acidification of water by acid deposition Reuss, J.P. ;… 1985
Boron toxicity and deficiency: A Review Gupta, U. C.;… 1985
Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Bestandesdynamik von Kalkmagerrasen (Mesobromion) in Südniedersachsen, I. Vegetationsentwicklung auf Dauerflächen 1972–1984 Dierschke, H. 1985
The acute toxicity of nine 'grey list' metals (arsenic, boron, chromium, copper, lead, nickel, tin, vanadium and zinc) to two marine fish species: dab (Limanda limanda) and grey mullet (Chelon labrosus) Taylor, D.;… 1985
The effects of air-borne ammonium sulphate on Pinus nigra in the Netherlands Roelofs, J.G.M… 1985
Acute and chronic toxicities of arsenic (III) to fathead minnows, flagfish, daphnids and an amphipod Lima, A. R.;… 1984
The variation of calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium concentration, pH and conductivity in lakes in Northern Ireland. Rippey, B.;… 1984
Air pollution increases Aphis fabae pest potential Dohmen, G.P.;… 1984
Key to the Common Plant Communities of Scotland Robertson, J.S. 1984
Physiological effects of hydrogen, aluminum, and manganese toxicities in acid soil. Foy, C.D. 1984
Ecological Effects of acid deposition upon peatlands: a nelected field in ‘acid rain’ research. Gorham, E. ;… 1984
Uptake of arsenic and mercury from soil by Bermuda grass Cynodon dactylon Weaver, R. W… 1984
Effects of SO2 on light-modulated enzyme reactions Alscher, R. 1984
Acid rain: an overview Gorham, E. 1984