Title Authors Year
The effects of sulphur dioxide on the parasitism of the rust fungus Uromyces viciae-fabae on Vicia faba. Lorenzini, G… 1990
Exchange of greenhouse gases between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere Bouwman, A.F. 1990
Epiphyte recolonization of oaks along a gradient of air pollution in south-east England, 1979-1990. Bates, J.W.;… 1990
Acidic Deposition, its nature and impacts, Glasgow Conference Abstracts Caporn, S.J.M… 1990
Forest soil chemical changes between 1949/50 and 1987 Billett, M.F… 1990
Air pollution and tree-dwelling aphids. Population Dynamics of Forest Insects McNeill, S.;… 1990
Alger, lavar och Garrupprättning hos unggranar längs en kvävegradient Sverige-Holland Göransson, A. 1990
Comparative toxicity of inorganic contaminants released by placer mining to early life stages of salmonids Buhl, K. J.;… 1990
Acid rain and eggshells Drent, P.J.;… 1989
The acidification of Scottish lochs Battarbee, R.W. 1989
Simulation of the long-term soil response to acid deposition in various buffer ranges Vries, W.;… 1989
Results of the harmful effects of water pollutants to Daphnia magna in the 21 day Reproduction Test Kühn, R ;… 1989
Global Emissions of Nitrogen and Sulfur-Oxides from 1860 to 1980 Dignon, J. ;… 1989
Effects of cadmium and PCBs on reproduction of the sea star Asterias rubens: aberrations in the early development Besten, P. J.… 1989
Acute toxicity of six metals to the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus, with comparisons to other freshwater organisms Couillard, Y… 1989