Title Authors Year
The management of lowland neutral grasslands in Britain: effects of agricultural practices on birds and their food resources Vickery, J.A… 2001
Indirect effects of zinc on soil microbes via a keystone enchytraeid species Salminen, J.,… 2001
Concise International Chemical Assessment Document 29 Vanadium pentoxide and other inorganic vanadium compounds. WHO, 2001
Partitioning the variation within the acid neutralizing capacity of surface waters in Scotland in relation to land cover, soil and atmospheric depositional factors Kernan, M.;… 2001
Effects of Simulated Sulphuric Acid Deposition On Calluna Vulgaris/Peat Microcosms and Associated Soil Solutions. Parveen, Z. ;… 2001
Aluminium toxicity in plants: a review Rout, G.R. ;… 2001
Encyyrtraeids and microbes in Zn polluted soil: No link between organism-level stress response and ecosystem functioning Salminen, J.,… 2001
Studies on differential manganese tolerance of mung bean and rice genotypes in hydroponic culture Rout, G. R.;… 2001
Review of the status of Biodiversity Action Plan stonewort species Stewart, N.F. 2001
Climate Change and Nature Conservation in Britain and Ireland: Modelling natural resource responses to climate change (the MONARCH project) Harrison, P.A… 2001
Changes in urban lichen diversity after a fall in sulphur dioxide levels in the city of Tampere, SW Finland. Ranta, P. 2001
Metal tolerance in wetland plants McCabe, O. M… 2001
Insects and plants in a changing atmosphere Whittaker, J.B. 2001
The sensitivity of peat-covered upland landscapes Bragg, O.M.;… 2001
Relationship between epiphytic lichens, trace elements and gaseous atmospheric pollutants Van Dobben, H.… 2001