Title Authors Year
Developing an inventory of N2O emissions from British Soils Sozanska, M.;… 2002
Changing nutrient budget of sand dunes: consequences for the nature conservation interest and dune management. 1 Jones, M.L.M… 2002
Review of sublethal ecotoxicological tests for measuring harm in terrestrial ecosystems Spurgeon, D.;… 2002
Monitoring with Lichens - Monitoring Lichens Van Herk, C.M… 2002
Effects of oxidants at the biochemical, cell, and physiological levels, with particular reference to ozone Long, S.P.;… 2002
Lead and cadmium in soil and Isopoda woodlice in Croatia Blanusa, M ;… 2002
Long-term implications of industrial pollution stress on lipids composition in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) roots Pukacki, P.M… 2002
Growth, nitrogen uptake, and resource allocation in the two tripartite lichens Nephroma arcticum and Peltigera aphthosa during nitrogen stress Dahlmann, L… 2002
Effects of sulphur dioxide. Legge, A.H. ;… 2002
Phytoremediation of polluted waters, potentials and prospects of wetland plants Wang, Q ; Cui… 2002
Whole ecosystem N manipulation: An updated review Cunha, A. ;… 2002
Lichens as bioindicators of sulfur dioxide Nash, T.H.;… 2002
Cadmium and zinc interactions and their transfer in soil-crop system under actual field conditions Nan, Z ; Li, J… 2002
Effects of NH3 Fumigation on the Frost Hardiness of Calluna- Does N Deposition Increase Winter Damage by Frost? Sheppard, L.J., Leith, I.D. 2002
Ökologie und Vegetation der Wälder Nordostdeutschlands Anders, S. ;… 2002