Title Authors Year
Interactions of elevated CO2, NH3 and O3 on mycorrhizal infection, gas exchange and N metabolism in saplings of Scots pine. Perez-Soba, M… 1995
Climate change 1994. Radiative forcing of climate change and an evaluation of the IPCC IS92 emission scenarios. Houghton, J.T… 1995
Critical Loads of Acid Deposition for United Kingdom Freshwaters UKCLAG, 1995
Mineral nutrition of higher plants. Second Edition Marschner, H. 1995
River Quality in Northern Ireland Service,… 1995
Critical Loads of Acid Deposition for United Kingdom Freshwaters Group,… 1995
Ecosystem responses to reduced nitrogen and sulphur inputs into two coniferous forest stands in the Netherlands Boxman, A.W.;… 1995
Competition between Sphagnum fuscum and Drosera rotundifolia: A case of ecosystem engineering Svensson, B.M. 1995
Empirical nitrogen critical loads: update since Lokeberg (1992) Bobbink, R.;… 1995
Effects of Stream Acidity on Non-Breeding Dippers Cinclus- Cinclus in the South-Central Highlands of Scotland Logie, J.W. 1995
The nitrogen-phosphorus relationship in mountain lakes: Influence of atmospheric input, watershed, and pH Kopácek, J.;… 1995
Biodiversity: the UK Steering Group report Group,… 1995
Relationships between afforestation, water chemistry and fish stocks in an upland catchment in south west Scotland. Rees, R.;… 1995
Nitrogen saturation in a long-term forest experiment with annual additions of nitrogen Tamm, C.O.;… 1995
The use of an unenclosed field fumigation system to determine the effects of elevated ozone on a grass clover mixture. Wilbourn, S… 1995