Title Authors Year
Differential ozone sensitivity in an old and a modern Swedish wheat cultivar – grain yield and quality, leaf chlorophyll and stomatal conductance. Pleijel, H.;… 2006
Extraordinary drought of 2003 overrules ozone impact on adult beech trees (Fagus sylvatica). Low, M. ;… 2006
Elevated CO2 and O3 alter soil nitrogen transformations beneath trembling aspen, paper birch, and sugar maple. Holmes, W.E… 2006
A model of annual orographic precipitation and acid deposition and its application to Snowdonia. Dore, A.J.;… 2006
Ammonia deposition to semi-natural vegetation Jones, M.R. 2006
O3 impacts on plant development: a meta-analysis of root/shoot allocation and growth. Grantz, D.A… 2006
Atmospheric nitrogen deposition has caused nitrogen enrichment and eutrophication of lakes in the northern hemisphere. Bergstorm, A.K… 2006
Diagnostic indicators of elevated nitrogen deposition Pitcairn, C.E.… 2006
Alternative explanations for rising dissolved organic carbon export from organic soils. Evans, C.D.;… 2006
Refining and testing the Ellenberg Index biomonitoring method at the intensive sites Pitcairn, C.E.… 2005
The ecology of acidification and recovery: changes in herbivore-algal food web linkages across a stream pH gradient. Ledger, M.E… 2005
Cardiovascular Disease and Air Pollution - An Expert Review for Comment COMEAP, 2005
Recovery from acidification in the UK: Evidence from 15 years of acid waters monitoring Monteith, D.T… 2005
Atmospheric aerosol light scattering and surface wetness influence the diurnal pattern of net ecosystem exchange in a semi-arid ponderosa pine plantation. Misson, L. ;… 2005
Long-term suppression of wetland methane flux following a pulse of simulated acid rain. Gauci, V. ;… 2005