Title Authors Year
Field evidence for an acid rain effect on lichens Gilbert, O.L. 1986
Effect of Stream Acidification on Periphyton Composition, Chlorophyll, and Productivity. Mulholland, P.… 1986
Air pollution injury to vegetation Taylor, H.J.;… 1986
The potential importance of an increased atmospheric nitrogen supply to the growth of ombrotrophic Sphagnum species Press, M.C.;… 1986
A new fumigation method for measuring the effects of sulphur dioxide on photosynthisis of bryophytes and lichens Takaoki, T.;… 1986
The history of the countryside Rackham, O. 1986
Boron deposition on soil and native vegetation from geothermal emissions Lang, F. J.;… 1986
The Weathering of Scots Pine Epicuticular Wax in Polluted and Clean Air. Crossley, A.;… 1986
Individual and combined toxicity of manganese and molybdenum to mussel, Mytilus edulis, larvae Morgan, J. D… 1986
Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizae Decrease Zinc-Toxicity to Grasses Growing in Zinc-Polluted Soil. Dueck, T.A.;… 1986
Depression of Growth and Yield in Winter Barley Exposed to Sulphur Dioxide in the Field. Baker, C.K. ;… 1986
Determination of platinum and iridium in marine waters, sediments and organisms Hodge, V. F.;… 1986
The quantities of cadmium, lead, mercury and arsenic entering the U.K. environment from human activities Hutton, M.;… 1986
Biological effects of acidification on tertiary consumers: fish population responses Rosseland, B.O. 1986
Effects of sulphur dioxide fumigation on soil system and growth behaviour of Vicia faba plants. Agrawal, M. ;… 1985