Title Authors Year
Effect of Stream Acidification on Periphyton Composition, Chlorophyll, and Productivity. Mulholland, P.… 1986
Air pollution injury to vegetation Taylor, H.J.;… 1986
The potential importance of an increased atmospheric nitrogen supply to the growth of ombrotrophic Sphagnum species Press, M.C.;… 1986
A new fumigation method for measuring the effects of sulphur dioxide on photosynthisis of bryophytes and lichens Takaoki, T.;… 1986
The history of the countryside Rackham, O. 1986
Boron deposition on soil and native vegetation from geothermal emissions Lang, F. J.;… 1986
The Weathering of Scots Pine Epicuticular Wax in Polluted and Clean Air. Crossley, A.;… 1986
Individual and combined toxicity of manganese and molybdenum to mussel, Mytilus edulis, larvae Morgan, J. D… 1986
Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizae Decrease Zinc-Toxicity to Grasses Growing in Zinc-Polluted Soil. Dueck, T.A.;… 1986
Depression of Growth and Yield in Winter Barley Exposed to Sulphur Dioxide in the Field. Baker, C.K. ;… 1986
The quantities of cadmium, lead, mercury and arsenic entering the U.K. environment from human activities Hutton, M.;… 1986
Biological effects of acidification on tertiary consumers: fish population responses Rosseland, B.O. 1986
Determination of platinum and iridium in marine waters, sediments and organisms Hodge, V. F.;… 1986
Acute toxicity of methyl mercury to the larval lamprey Petromyzon marinus Mallatt, J.,… 1986
Chromium hazards to fish, wildlife, and invertebrates: a synoptic review Eisler, R 1986