Title Authors Year
Iron-manganese interactions among clones of nilegrass Foy, C. D.;… 1998
Sulphur isotopic investigation of a polluted raised bog and the uptake of pollutant sulphur by Sphagnum Thompson, A.;… 1998
Proposed Environmental Quality Standards for Cobalt in Water Grimwood, M ;… 1998
Arsenic in wetland vegetation: Availability, phytotoxicity, uptake and effects on plant growth and nutrition Carbonell, A.… 1998
Impacts and fate of experimentally enhanced nitrogen deposition on a British lowland heath. Power, S.;… 1998
The effect of air pollution from nitrogen dioxide (NO2) on epiphytic lichens in Seville, Spain. Funetes, J.M.C… 1998
The nitrogen content of upland rivers in Britain: the significance of organic N Chapman, P.J… 1998
Nitrogen and drought effects on ectomycorrhizae of Norway spruce [Picea abries L. (Karst.)]. Nilsen, P.;… 1998
Consequences of high loads of nitrogen for spruce (Picea abies) and beech (Fagus sylvatica) forests. Rennenberg, H… 1998
Canadian water quality guidelines for chromium Pawlisz, A. V… 1997
Depositional time trends and remobilization of PCBs in lake sediments Gevao, B.;… 1997
Acid Deposition in the United Kingdom 1992-1994 Rain, Review… 1997
Ozone in the United Kingdom - 4th Report of the Photochemical Oxidants Review Group Group,… 1997
Growth of autotrophic and root-hemiparasitic understory plants under elevated CO2 and increased N deposition Hattenschwiler… 1997
Association of antimony with traffic - occurrence in airborne dust, deposition and accumulation in standardized grass cultures Dietl, C ;… 1997