Title Authors Year
Methane Emissions Williams, A. 1994
Accumulation of amino acids in some boreal forest plants in response to increased nitrogen availability Näsholm, T.;… 1994
The effect of zinc oxide on the growth of the unicellular alga Selenastrum capricornutum Van Ginneken,… 1994
Biodiversity: the UK Steering Group report DoE, 1994
Shoot nitrate reductase activities of field-layer species in different forest types. Hogborn, L. 1994
Setting critical loads for dystrophic peat - a new approach. In: Battarbee R.W. (Ed): Acid Rain and its Impact: The Critical Loads Debate Wilson, E.J.;… 1994
Relationship between heavy metal accumulation and toxicity in Spirodella polyrhiza and Azolla pinnata Gaur, J. P.;… 1994
The Influence of Carbon Dioxide or Ozone Concentration on Growth and Assimilate Partitioning in Seedlings of Nine Conifers. Mortensen, L. 1994
The effect of zinc powder on the growth of the unicellular alga Selenastrum capricornutum Van Woensel, M. 1994
Zinc Phytotoxicity Chaney, R. L. 1993
Atmospheric deposition of sulphur and nitrogen in heathland ecosystems. Bobbink, R.;… 1993
SSSIs in England at risk from acid rain Bissett, K.;… 1993
Dissolved inorganic nitrogen budget for a forested catchment at Beddgelert, North Wales Stevens, P.A… 1993
Chromium toxicity in Salvia scarea I Effects of hexavalent chromium on seed germination and seedline development Corraddi, M ;… 1993
A survey of the health of Fagus sylvatica in southern Britain. Ling, K.A.;… 1993