Title Authors Year
Effects of simulated nitrogen rich and acid rain on the nitrogen-fixing lichen Peltigera aphthosa (L.) Willd. Hallbdcken, L… 1992
Environmental Health Criteria 135 Cadmium - Environmental Aspects WHO, 1992
The Effects of Low Ph and Aluminum on Breeding Success in the Frog Rana-Temporaria Beattie, R.C… 1992
Spatial variation in ozone resistance of British populations of Plantago major L. Reiling, K.;… 1992
Decline of Charophytes During Eutrophication - Comparison with Angiosperms Blindow, I. 1992
Measurement of Dry Deposition Velocities of NH3, and NH4+ over Natural Terrains Duyzer, J.H. 1992
Conservation of freshwater fish in the British Isles: the status of fish in National Nature Reserves Lyle, A.A.;… 1992
The effects of acid deposition on nature conservation in Great Britain Lee, J.A.;… 1991
Conservation of freshwater fish in the British Isles: the current status and biology of threatened species. Aquatic Conservation Maitland, P.S… 1991
Effects of sulphur dioxide on the development of fungal diseases of winter barley in an open-air fumigation system. Mansfield, P.J… 1991
Zeigerwerte von Pflanzen in Mitteleuropa Ellenberg, H… 1991
Influence of NH3 and (NH4)2SO4 on heathland vegetation Eerdern, L.J… 1991
Mechansims of adaptions of plants to acid soils Marschner, H. 1991
Effects of nitrogen loading on wetland ecosystems, with particular reference to atmospheric deposition Morris, J.T. 1991
Forestry and soil protection in the UK Moffatt, A.J. 1991