Title Authors Year
Relationships between lichen community composition and concentrations of NO2 and NH3. Gadson, S.R… 2010
Direct and indirect effects of nitrogen deposition on species composition change in calcareous grasslands Van Den Berg,… 2010
Ammonium and nitrate tolerance in lichens. Hauck, M. 2010
Evidence for changing the critical level for ammonia Cape, J.N.;… 2009
Relative effects of elevated background ozone concentrations and peak episodes on senescence and above-ground growth in four populations of Anthoxanthum odoratum L. Dawnay, L. ;… 2009
Leaf gas exchange and water potential responses to drought in nine poplar (Populus spp.) clones with contrasting drought tolerance. Silim, S. ;… 2009
Evaluation of N indicators on ombrotrophic acid bogs: Observations from an N manipulation study Mizunuma, T., Leith, I.D., Gray, A. 2009
Particulate matter at a rural location in southern England during 2006: Model sensitivities to precursor emissions Derwent, R.G… 2009
Atmospheric Ammonia - Detecting emission changes and environmental impacts Sutton, M.A.;… 2009
Shifts in lake N:P stoichiometry and nutrient limitation driven by atmospheric nitrogen deposition Elser, J.J.;… 2009
Regional trends in soil acidification and metal mobilization related to acid deposition. Stevens, C.J… 2009
Ozone in the United Kingdom Group, Air… 2009
Can small-scale experiments predict ecosystem responses? An example from peatlands Wiedermann, M… 2009
Digest of UK Energy Statistics DECC, . 2009
The effects of low levels of nitrogen deposition and grazing on dune grassland Plassmann, K… 2009