Title Authors Year
Assessing the critical load of SO2 for Scots Pine in situ. Manninen, S.;… 1996
Long-term trends in stream chemistry and biology in Northeast Scotland: Evidence for recovery Soulsby, C.;… 1996
Adverse health effects due to soil water acidification: a Swedish research programme Oskarsson, A… 1996
Optimal quantum yield of photosystem II and chlorophyll degradation of Lobaria pulmonaria in relation to pH Lichenologist Gauslaa, Y.;… 1996
A critical limit for acid neutralizing capacity in Norwegian surface waters, based on new analyses of fish and invertebrate responses Lien, L.;… 1996
Impact of grazing and atmospheric nitrogen deposition on the vegetation of dry coastal dune grasslands Harkle, M.J.… 1996
A preliminary evaluation of sediment quality assessment values for freshwater ecosystems Smith, S.L.;… 1996
Critical levels for ozone in Europe: Testing and finalising the concepts Karenlampi, L. 1996
Effects of sulphur dioxide and ozone on lichen colonization of conifers in the Liphook forest fumigation project. Bates, J.W.;… 1996
Mapping and modelling of critical loads for nitrogen - a workshop report Hornung, M.;… 1995
Lobarion, an epiphytic community of ancient forests threatened by acid rain. Gauslaa, Y. 1995
Effects of gaseous air pollutants on aphid performance on Scots pine and Norway spruce seedlings. Holopainen, J.… 1995
Sensitivity of forest floor mosses in boreal forests to nitrogen and sulphur deposition Mdkipdd, R. 1995
Inter actions of elevated CO2, NH3 and O3 on mycorrhizal infection, gas exchange and N metabolism in seedlings of Scots pine Pirez-Soba, M… 1995
Atmospheric deposition of nitrogen compounds to heathlands Sutton, M.A.;… 1995