Title Authors Year
Long term nitrogen pollution impacts on grasslands and their recovery responses O'… 2008
Sources, dispersion and fate of atmospheric ammonia Dragosits, U… 2008
The use of biomonitoring tools to detect ecosystem response following exposure to contaminants emitted from a regulated industrial source. Long, S. ;… 2008
Environmental and anthropogenic controls over bacterial communities in wetland soils. Hartman, W.H… 2008
Long-term ozone effects on vegetation, microbial community and methane dynamics of boreal peatland microcosms in open-field conditions. Morsky, S.K… 2008
Reduced nitrogen has a greater effect than oxidised nitrogen on dry heathland vegetation Van den Berg,… 2008
Interactions of forests with secondary air pollutants: Some challenges for future research. Cape, J.N. 2008
Review and implementation study of biomonitoring for assessment of air quality outcomes Bealey, W.J.;… 2008
Diversity and sensitivity of epiphytes to oxides of nitrogen in London Davies, L.;… 2007
Bryophyte Ecology, Vol. 1. Physiological Ecology Glime, J.M. 2007
Derivation of ozone flux-yield relationships for lettuce: a key horticultural crop. Goumenaki, E… 2007
Shoot growth of mature Fagus sylvatica and Picea abies in relation to ozone. Braun, S.;… 2007
Volcanic explosive eruptions of the Vesuvio decrease tree-ring growth but not photosynthetic rates in the surrounding forests. Battipaglia, G… 2007
Report on the Workshop on Atmospheric Ammonia: Detecting Emission Changes and Environmental Impacts UNECE, 2007
The impacts of ozone on nature conservation Morrissey, T… 2007