Title Authors Year
Mycorrhizal studies of a Scots Pine plantation affected by pollution from a phosphate fertiliser plant Rudawska, M.;… 1995
Allocation of carbon in mycorrhizal Pinus ponderosa seedlings exposed to ozone. Anderson, C.P… 1995
Silvicultural use of wood ashes - effects on the nutrient and heavy metal balance in a pine forest soil. Bramryd, T.;… 1995
Effects of nitrogen load to the forest floor in Sitka spruce stands as affected by differences in deposition and spruce aphid infestations. Pedersen, L.B… 1995
The effect of repeated N fertlization on mye infection in heather (Calluna vulgaris (L) Hull) Caporn, S.J.M… 1995
Compensatory responses of 2 melampyrum species after damage. Lehtila, K.;… 1995
Nutrient balance in Scots Pine Forest I: Design of experiments Abrahamsen, G… 1995
Al:PE projects: water chemistry and critical loads Mosello, R.;… 1995
Effects of air pollution on the searching behaviour of an insect parasitoid. Gate, I.M.;… 1995
Ammonia Volatilization in a Mexican Bat Cave Ecosystem McFarlane, D.A… 1995
Critical limits of acidification to invertebrates in different regions of Europe. Raddum, G. ;… 1995
Critical levels of O-3 for wood production of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L). Mortensen, L… 1995
Injury of leatherleaf fern and tomato from volatilized ammonia after fertilizer application. Schumann, A.;… 1995
Acid rain research: Do we have enough answers? Heij, G.J. 1995
A rapid change in ozone resistance of Plantago major after summers with high ozone concentrations Davison, A.W… 1995