Title Authors Year
Long term changes in the acidity of forest soils in north east Scotland Billett, M.F… 1988
Modelled historical concentrations and depositions of ammonia and ammonium in Europe Asman, W.A.H… 1988
Nitrogen and carbon isotope ratios in seabird rookeries and their ecological implications Mizutani, H.;… 1988
Detection of manganese deficiency and toxicity in plants. Manganese in soils and plants Hannam, R. J… 1988
Quantitative Assessment of Worldwide Contamination of Air, Water, and Soils by Trace Metals Nriagu, J.O.;… 1988
Ecological Change in the Uplands Ratcliffe, D.A… 1988
Determination of plant-available soil manganese Reisenauer, H… 1988
The enhanced acidification of a field soil by very low concentrations of atmospheric ammonia Spiers, R.B.;… 1987
Macro-floral assemblages in upland Welsh streams in relation to acidity and their importance to invertebrates. Ormerod, S.J… 1987
Effects of atmosheric pollution on the distribution of Balea perversa (Linnaeus) (Pulmonata:Clausiliidae) in southern Britain Holyoak, D.T. 1987
Evidence that arsenic tolerance in Holcus lanatus L. is caused by an altered phosphate uptake system Macnair, M. R… 1987
Occurrence of carpophores of ectomycorrhizal fungi in selected stands of Pinus sylvestris in the Netherlands in relation to stand vitality and air pollution Termoshuizen,… 1987
Long-term changes in fish populations of acid streams and lochs in Galloway south West Scotland. Harriman, R.;… 1987
Air quality guidelines for Europe Organization,… 1987
Fire and flood at Holme Moss: erosion processes in an upland blanket mire Tallis, J.H. 1987