Title Authors Year
The effects of dust on vegetation - a review Farmer, A.M. 1993
A new potential air-quality criterion derived from vertical flux densitites of ozone and from plant response Grunhage, L.;… 1993
The effect of external stress and disturbance factors on Calluna dominated heathland vegetation. Berdowski, J.J… 1993
The Effect of pH on Feeding-Behaviour in Newt Larvae (Triturus, Amphibia). Griffiths, R.A. 1993
Direct damage to vegetation caused by acid rain and polluted cloud: definition of critical levels for forest trees. Cape, J.N. 1993
Direct damage to vegetation caused by acid rain and polluted cloud: definition of critical levels for forest trees Cape, J.N. 1993
Atmospheric Change - Effect on Plant Pests and Diseases Bell, J.N.B.;… 1993
North Sea quality status report 1993 OSPARCOM, 1993
Use of a field release system to distinguish the effects of dose and concentration of sulphur dioxide on winter barley. Colls, J.J. ;… 1992
Effects of a short ozone exposure given at different stages in the development of Plantago major L. Reiling, K.;… 1992
Lichen Flora of Great Britain and Ireland Purvis, O.W.;… 1992
Influence of Ozone Air-Pollution on Plant-Herbivore Interactions .2. Effects of Ozone on Feeding Preference, Growth and Consumption Rates of Monarch Butterflies (Danaus-Plexippus) Bolsinger, M… 1992
Effects of Ionising Radiation on Plants and Animals at levels implied by Current Radiation Protection Standards IAEA, 1992
Effects of acid precipitation, fertilisation and liming on the ground vegetation in coniferous forests of southern Germany Rodenkirchen,… 1992
Threats to the lake fish communities of the UK arising from eutrophication and species introductions. Winfield, I.J. 1992