Title Authors Year
Biological Nitrogen-Fixation - an Efficient Source of Nitrogen for Sustainable Agricultural Production Peoples, M. B… 1995
MAGIC applied to roof experiments to evaluate the rate of reversibility of acidification following experimentally reduced acid deposition Beier, C.;… 1995
Evidence for acidification of sensitive Scottish soils by atmospheric deposition White, C.C.;… 1995
Effects of Ozone Fumigation on Epiphytic Macrolichens - Ultrastructure, CO2 Gas-Exchange and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Scheidegger, C… 1995
Response of zooplankton, benthos and fish to acidification: an overview Havas, M.;… 1995
Mycorrhizal studies of a Scots Pine plantation affected by pollution from a phosphate fertiliser plant Rudawska, M.;… 1995
Heavy-metal binding by mycorrhizal fungi Galli, U.;… 1994
): A survey of the threat of surface water acidification to the nature conservation interest of fresh-waters on Sites of Special Scientific Interest in Britain Rimes, C.A.;… 1994
Effects of zinc and copper on growth and metal accumulation in duckweed, Lemna minor Dirilgen, N.;… 1994
Scotland's soils: Research issues in developing a soil sustainability strategy Billett, M.F. 1994
Differential-Effects of pH and Temperature on Embryonic- Development in the British Newts (Triturus). Griffiths, R.A… 1994
Monitoring Danish raised bogs Aaby, B. 1994
Chromium in swiss chard grown on soil amended with tannery meal fertilizer Grubinger, V.… 1994
Accumulation of amino acids in some boreal forest plants in response to increased nitrogen availability Näsholm, T.;… 1994
Methane Emissions Williams, A. 1994