Title Authors Year
Estimates of nitrous oxide emissions in the UK Skiba, U.;… 1996
Potential effects of rising tropospheric concentrations of CO2 and O-3 on green-algal lichens Balaguer, M.;… 1996
Ecophysiology of a snow-bed bryophyte Kiaeria starkei during snowmelt and uptake of nitrate from meltwater Woolgrove, C.E… 1996
Growth variation of Scots Pine across a pollution gradient on the Kola peninsula, Russia Nojd, P.;… 1996
The effects of different ozone exposures on three contrasting populations of Plantago major L. Pearson, S.;… 1996
Effects of pollutants in snowmelt on Kiaeria starkei, a characteristic species of late snowbed bryophyte dominated vegetation. New Phytologist 133, 519-529. Brown D. H. and Bates J. W. (1990): Bryophytes and Nutrient Cycling Woolgrove, C.E… 1996
Effects of platinum (Pt4+) on Lumbriculus variegatus Müller (Annelida, Oligochaetae): acute toxicity and bioaccumulation Veltz, I ;… 1996
Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters MacDonald, D.D… 1996
PCB and PAH dynamics in a small rural lake Sanders, G.;… 1996
A preliminary map of the distribution of methane emissions from livestock sources in Great Britain Sutton, M.A.;… 1996
Effect of ozone and sulphur on mycorrhizae of Pinus halepensis Mille Dmaz, G.;… 1996
Evidence that plant varieties respond differently to NO2 pollution as indicated by resistance to insect herbivores Masters, G.J… 1996
Real-time Measurement of Correlated Size and Composition Profiles of Individual Atmospheric Aerosol Particles Noble, C.A.;… 1996
Epiphytic bryophytes in Naha city (subtropical urban area in Okinawa Island, southern Japan), with special references to air pollution Inui, T.;… 1996
Effects of atmospheric nitrogen deposition on ericoid mycorrhizal infection of Calluna vulgaris growing in peat soils Yesmin, L.;… 1996