Title Authors Year
The effects of quantity and duration of simulated pollutant nitrogen deposition on root-surface phosphatase activities in Calcareous and acid grasslands: a bioassay approach Johnson, D.;… 1999
Distribution in Portugal of some pollutants in the lichen Parmelia sulcata Freitas, M. C… 1999
Tolerance of tropical common bean genotypes to manganese toxicity: performance under different growing conditions González, A ;… 1999
The resistance of the moss Polytrichum commune to acute exposure of simulated acid rain or ozone compared to two fern species: Spore germination Bosley, A.;… 1999
The potential effects of ozone depletion in the UK DETR, 1999
The Kyoto Protocol: A guide and assessment Grubb, M.;… 1999
Do acid rain and calcium supply limit eggshell formation for blue tits (Parus caeruleus) in the UK? Ramsay, S.L.;… 1999
Environmental impacts of forest monocultures: water use, acidification, wildlife conservation and carbon storage. Cannell, M.G.R. 1999
Undergrowth as a biomonitor for deposition of N and acidity in pine forest. Van Dobben, H.… 1999
Oak forest development as a result of historical land-use patterns and present N deposition Tyburk, K.;… 1999
Response of three arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to simulated acid rain and aluminium stress Vosatka, M.;… 1999
Estimating the uptake of traffic-derived NO2 from N-15 abundance in Norway spruce needles Ammann, M.;… 1999
Ellenberg's indicator values for British plants: ECOFACT volume 2 technical annex. Hill, M.O.;… 1999
Ecotoxicological effects and uptake of metals (Cu+, Cu2+, Mn2+, Mo6+, Ni2+, V5+) in freshwater alga Scenedesmus quadricauda Fargašová, A… 1999
Chemistry of Atmospheres Wayne, R.P. 1999