Title Authors Year
Mosses and the struggle for light in a nitrogen-polluted world Van der Wal, R… 2005
Long-term ecological change in British woodlands (1971 - 2001) Kirby, K. ;… 2005
Decline of acid‐sensitive plant species in heathland can be attributed to ammonium toxicity in combination with low pH. Van Den Berg,… 2005
Impact of rising tropospheric ozone on potato: effects on photosynthesis, growth, productivity and yield quality. Vandermeiren,… 2005
Biomonitoring methods for assessing the impacts of nitrogen pollution: refinement and testing Leith, I.;… 2005
Nitrogen content, 15N natural abundance and biomass of the two pleurocarpous mosses Pleurozium schreberi (Brid.) Mitt.and Scleropodium purum (Hedw.) Limpr. in relation to atmospheric nitrogen deposition. Solga, A. ;… 2005
Growth and biomass of mycorrhizal mycelia in coniferous forestsalong short natural nutrient gradients Nilsson, L.O… 2005
A study of the epiphytic communities of Atlantic oak woods along an atmospheric nitrogen deposition gradient Mitchell, R.;… 2005
The Ecological Effects of Diffuse Air Pollution from Road Transport. Bignal, K. ;… 2004
The restoration and re-creation of species-rich lowland grassland on land formerly managed for intensive agriculture in the UK. Walker, K.J… 2004
Silver birch and climate change: variable growth and carbon allocation responses to elevated concentrations of carbon dioxide and ozone. Riikonen, J… 2004
Ozone effects on the ultrastructure of peatland plants: Sphagnum mosses, Vaccinium oxycoccus, Andromeda polifolia and Eriophorum vaginatum. Rinnan, R. ;… 2004
Modelling the spatial distribution of ammonia emissions from seabirds in the UK Wilson, L. J… 2004
Wie geht es unserem Wald? Ergebnisse aus Dauerbeobachtungsflächen von 1984 bis 2004 Flückiger, W… 2004
Changes in vegetation and soil characteristics in coastal sand dunes along a gradient of atmospheric nitrogen deposition Jones, M.L.M… 2004