Title Authors Year
Environmental effects of manganese and proposed freshwater guidelines to protect aquatic life in British Columbia Reimer, P. S. 1999
The effect of increased deposition of atmospheric N on Cv in upland Britain. Carroll, J.A… 1999
Climate change scenarios for global impacts studies Hulme, M.;… 1999
Case study of the effects of atmospheric aerosols and regional haze on agriculture: An opportunity to enhance crop yields in China through emission controls? Chameides, W.L… 1999
Phytoaccumulation of trace elements by wetland plants II Water hyacinth Zhu, Y. L.;… 1999
Closing the global N2O budget: a retrospective analysis 1500 - 1994 Kroeze, C.;… 1999
Contaminant release from sediments in a coastal wetland Lau, S. S.S.;… 1999
The influence of wooded shelterbelts on the deposition of copper, lead and zinc at Shakerley Mere, Cheshire, England Heath, B. A.,… 1999
Climate change impacts on ecosystems and the terrestrial carbon sink: a new analysis White, A.;… 1999
Effect of vanadium on the growth of soybean seedlings Wang, J ; Liu… 1999
Cronartium flaccidum fruitbody production on Melampyrum spp and some important alternate hosts to pine. Kaitera, J. 1999
Factors influencing nitrogen saturation in forest ecosystems: Advances in our understanding since the mid 1980s. in the impact of nitrogen deposition on natural and semi-natural ecosystems Wilson, E.J.;… 1999
Some effects of N on ectomycorrhizal diversity of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in northeastern Germany. Wöllecke, J.;… 1999
Persistent organic pollutants (POPS); state of the science Jones, K.C.;… 1999
Environmental chemistry: End of acid reign? Jenkins, A. 1999