Title Authors Year
The effect of long-term ozone fumigation on the growth, physiology and frost sensitivity of Calluna vulgaris Foot, J.P.;… 1996
Empirical nitrogen critical loads for natural and semi-natural ecosystems Bobbink, R.;… 1996
Quantitative relationships of invertebrates to pH in Norwegian river systems. Larsen, J. ;… 1996
Air pollution and biodiversity: a review Dudley, N.;… 1996
The use of lichens for estimating ammonia air pollution in Western France. Lallemant, R… 1996
Critical levels of air pollutants for the United Kingdom UKCLAG, 1996
Responses of four Sphagnum species to acute ozone fumigation Potter, L.;… 1996
Re-mapping epiphytic lichen biodiversity in The Netherlands: Effects of decreasing SO2 and increasing NH3 Dobben, Van 1996
Natural and anthropogenic enrichments of As, Cu, Pb and Zn in ombrotrophic versus minerotrophic peat bog profiles Shotyk, W 1996
Hazard ranking of contaminated sediments based on chemical analysis, laboratory toxicity tests and benthic community composition: prioritizing sites for remedial action Wildhaber, M.L… 1996
Biological significance of UK critical load exceedance estimates for flowing waters: assessments of dipper Cinclus cinclus populations in Scotland Logie, J.W.;… 1996
Herb layer vegetation of south Swedish beech and oak forests - effects of management and soil acidity during one decade. Brunet, J. ;… 1996
Re-mapping epiphytic lichen biodiversity in The Netherlands: Effects of decreasing SO2 and increasing NH3 Dobben, Van 1996
The effect of long-term elevated ozone concentrations on the growth and photosynthesis of Sphagnum recurvum and Polytrichum commune Potter, L.;… 1996
Different responses to ozone of tobacco, poplar, birch and alder. Gunthardt-… 1996