Title Authors Year
Effects of nitrogen loading on wetland ecosystems, with particular reference to atmospheric deposition Morris, J.T. 1991
Forestry and soil protection in the UK Moffatt, A.J. 1991
Wildlife toxicology Hoffman, D.J… 1990
Bryophytes and Nutrient Cycling Brown, D.H.;… 1990
Growth Dynamics of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Exposed to Sulfur Dioxide Pollution. Lorenzini, G… 1990
Boron hazards to fish, wildlife, and invertebrates: a synoptic review Eisler, R. 1990
Decline of the natterjack toad Bufo clamita in Britain: Paleoecological, documentary and experimental evidence for breeding site acidification Beebee, T.J.C… 1990
Forest decline, nutrient supply and diagnostic fertilisation in southwestern Germany and in southern California. Huettl, R.F.;… 1990
The effects of sulphur dioxide on the parasitism of the rust fungus Uromyces viciae-fabae on Vicia faba. Lorenzini, G… 1990
Exchange of greenhouse gases between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere Bouwman, A.F. 1990
Acidic Deposition, its nature and impacts, Glasgow Conference Abstracts Caporn, S.J.M… 1990
Epiphyte recolonization of oaks along a gradient of air pollution in south-east England, 1979-1990. Bates, J.W.;… 1990
Air pollution and tree-dwelling aphids. Population Dynamics of Forest Insects McNeill, S.;… 1990
Alger, lavar och Garrupprättning hos unggranar längs en kvävegradient Sverige-Holland Göransson, A. 1990
Comparative toxicity of inorganic contaminants released by placer mining to early life stages of salmonids Buhl, K. J.;… 1990