Title Authors Year
NP stoichiometry of low-alpine heathland: usefulness for bio-monitoring and prediction of pollution impacts Britton, A.J… 2007
Effect of nutrient addition on vegetation and carbon cycling in an ombrotrophic bog Bubier, J.L… 2007
Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2007 Solomon, S. ;… 2007
Growth onset, senescence, and reproductive development of meadow species in mesocosms exposed to elevated O3 and CO2. Ramo, K. ;… 2007
Can salt stress-induced physiological responses protect tomato crops from ozone damages in Mediterranean environments? Maggio, A. ;… 2007
Comparative cryptogam ecology: a review of bryophyte and lichen traits that drive biogeochemistry. Cornelissen, J… 2007
Indirect radiative forcing of climate change through ozone effects on the land-carbon sink Sitch, S. ;… 2007
A model of annual orographic precipitation and acid deposition and its application to Snowdonia. Dore, A.J.;… 2006
Ammonia deposition to semi-natural vegetation Jones, M.R. 2006
O3 impacts on plant development: a meta-analysis of root/shoot allocation and growth. Grantz, D.A… 2006
Atmospheric nitrogen deposition has caused nitrogen enrichment and eutrophication of lakes in the northern hemisphere. Bergstorm, A.K… 2006
Diagnostic indicators of elevated nitrogen deposition Pitcairn, C.E.… 2006
Alternative explanations for rising dissolved organic carbon export from organic soils. Evans, C.D.;… 2006
Loss of forb diversity in relation to nitrogen deposition in the UK: regional trends and potential controls Stevens, C.J… 2006
Impacts of summer ozone exposure on the growth and overwintering of UK upland vegetation. Hayes, F.;… 2006