Title Authors Year
Sulphur dioxide effects on cell structure and photosynthetic performance in the liverwort Frullania dilatata. Gimeno, C.;… 2000
Growth responses to ozone in plant species from wetlands. Franzaring, J… 2000
Copper resistance of Calluna vulgaris originating from the pollution gradient of a Cu-Ni smelter, in southwest Finland Monni, S ;… 2000
Responses of spruce seedlings (Picea abies) to exhaust gas under laboratory conditions - I - plant-insect interactions. Viskari, E.L… 2000
Assessing the chronic effects of atmospheric tetrachloroethylene (PER) on plants. Note 48 Franzaring, J… 2000
UK Acid Waters Monitoring Network: 10 Year Report Monteith, D.T… 2000
Arsenic uptake in orchard trees: Implications for dendroanalysis Martin, R. R… 2000
Direct measurement of the UK source strength of radiatively active gases Fowler, D.;… 2000
Reinvasion of urban areas by black spot and tar spot Jarraud, N.S… 2000
Transboundary Air Pollution: Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-Level Ozone in the UK Smith, R.I.;… 2000
Chlorophyll a fluorescence emission, xanthophyll cycle activity and net photosynthetic rate responses to ozone in some foliose and fruticose lichen species Calatayud, A… 2000
Ammonia emissions from non-agricultural sources in the UK. Sutton, M.A.;… 2000
Habitat matrix effects on pond occupancy in newts. Joly, P.;… 2000
Can the foliar nitrogen concentration of upland vegetation be used for predicting atmospheric nitrogen deposition? Evidence from field surveys. Hicks, W.K.;… 2000
The effect of exposure to NO2 and SO2 on frost hardiness in Calluna vulgaris Caporn, S.J.M… 2000