Title Authors Year
Mycorrhizal weathering: A true case of mineral plant nutrition ? Van Breemen, N… 2000
Comparison of techniques to increase Calluna vulgaris cover on heathland invaded by grasses in Breckland, south east England. Britton, A.J… 2000
Severe photobiont injuries of lichens strongly associated with air pollution Tarhanen, S.;… 2000
Nitrogen deposition and effects in European forests. Erisman, J.W… 2000
Impact of ozone on the reproductive development of plants. Black, V.J. ;… 2000
Toxic effects of cadmium and zinc on ectomycorrhizal colonization of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) from soil inoculum Hartley-… 2000
Direct Measurements of the UK Source Strength of Radiatively Active Gases Fowler, D.;… 2000
2000Long-term changes of nitrogen and phosphorus loadings to a large lake in North-west Ireland Zhou, Q.; Foy… 2000
Wetlands Mitsch, W.J… 2000
Evaluation and analysis of a dynamic terrestrial ecosystem model under pre-industrial conditions at the global scale Friend, A.D.;… 2000
Biomonitoring of air quality using plants. Mulgrew, A.;… 2000
Healthy river habitats fit for wildlife: Deriving the physical dimension. Raven, P.J.;… 2000
Bryophytes on boulders - diversity, habitat preferences and conservation aspects. Weibull, H. 2000
Report from the specialist's meeting on protection of the environment from the effects of ionising radiation: International perspectives IAEA, 2000
Potential Uses of Biomonitoring in Pollution Control - An Introductory Guide Osborn, D.;… 2000