Title Authors Year
Nitrogen and carbon isotope ratios in seabird rookeries and their ecological implications Mizutani, H.;… 1988
Long term changes in the acidity of forest soils in north east Scotland Billett, M.F… 1988
Modelled historical concentrations and depositions of ammonia and ammonium in Europe Asman, W.A.H… 1988
Detection of manganese deficiency and toxicity in plants. Manganese in soils and plants Hannam, R. J… 1988
Quantitative Assessment of Worldwide Contamination of Air, Water, and Soils by Trace Metals Nriagu, J.O.;… 1988
Ecological Change in the Uplands Ratcliffe, D.A… 1988
Determination of plant-available soil manganese Reisenauer, H… 1988
Fertilization in a mature Scots pine (Pinus-sylvestris l) stand - effects on fine roots Ahlstrom, K.;… 1988
Lake Acidification in the United Kingdom 1800-1986 Battarbee, R.W… 1988
Critical Loads for Sulphur and Nitrogen Nilsson, J.;… 1988
Genetic differences in plant tolerance to manganese toxicity Foy, C. D.;… 1988
Evaluation of the Montsouris series of ozone measurements made in the nineteenth century Volz, A.; Kley… 1988
Acute toxicities of eleven metals to early life-history stages of the yellow crab Cancer anthonyi Macdonald, J.… 1988
Effects of excessive ammonium deposition on the nutritional status and condition of pine needles Dijk, H.F.G.;… 1988
Occurrence of carpophores of ectomycorrhizal fungi in selected stands of Pinus sylvestris in the Netherlands in relation to stand vitality and air pollution Termoshuizen,… 1987