Title Authors Year
The influence of the dynamics of a population of herbivorous beetles on the development of vegetational patterns in a heathland system Brunsting, A.M… 1982
Cadmium toxicity and accumulation in eggs and alevins of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar Rombough, P. J… 1982
Identification of factors affecting nitrogen and phosphorus loadings to Lough Neagh Foy, R.; Smith… 1982
Eutrophication of waters: monitoring, assessment and control. Development,… 1982
Lichens and air pollution James, P. 1982
Atlas of the lichens of the British Isles Seaward, M.R.D… 1982
Prediction for Particle Deposition to Vegetative Canopies Slinn, W.G.N. 1982
Response of several eastern forest trees to low doses of ozone and nitrogen oxide Kress, L.W.;… 1982
The influence of the dynamics of a population of herbivorous beetles on the development of vegetational patterns in a heathland system , Brunsting A.… 1982
Relative performance of conifer populations in various tests for sensitivity to SO2 and the implications for selecting trees for planting in polluted areas. Garsed, S.G… 1982
Oxidant air pollution effects on a western coniferous forest ecosystem Miller, P.R.;… 1982
Aquatic toxicity of forty industrial chemicals: testing in support of hazardous substance spill prevention regulation Curtis, M. W… 1981
Heavy metals and marine phytoplankton: correlation of toxicity and sulfhydryl-binding Fisher, N. S… 1981
Studies on the tolerance of SO2 of grass populations in polluted areas - I Ayazloo, M.;… 1981
Lichen recolonization in London’s cleaner air. Rose, C.I. ;… 1981