Title Authors Year
Mortality and LC50 values for several stages of the marine copepod Trigriopus brevicornis (Müller) exposed to the metals arsenic and cadmium and the pesticides atrazine, carbofuran, dichlorovos and malathion Forget, J ;… 1988
Effects of nitrogen dioxide on biochemical and physiological characteristics of soybean. Sabaratnam, S… 1988
Understanding the Pollution Sensitivity of Lichens Richardson, D.… 1988
The response of the feather moss, pleurozium-schreberi, to 5 years of simulated acid precipitation in the canadian boreal forest Hutchison, T.C… 1988
The influence of altitude on rainfall composition at Great Dun Fell Fowler, D.;… 1988
Response of blueberry species to excessive manganese Korcak, R. F. 1988
Condition of Scots Pine fine roots and mycorrhiza after fungicide application and low-level ozone exposure in a 2-year field experiment Manninen, A.M… 1988
Distribution and movement of manganese in plants Loneragan, J.… 1988
Modelled historical concentrations and depositions of ammonia and ammonium in Europe Asman, W.A.H… 1988
Nitrogen and carbon isotope ratios in seabird rookeries and their ecological implications Mizutani, H.;… 1988
Long term changes in the acidity of forest soils in north east Scotland Billett, M.F… 1988
Detection of manganese deficiency and toxicity in plants. Manganese in soils and plants Hannam, R. J… 1988
Quantitative Assessment of Worldwide Contamination of Air, Water, and Soils by Trace Metals Nriagu, J.O.;… 1988
Ecological Change in the Uplands Ratcliffe, D.A… 1988
Determination of plant-available soil manganese Reisenauer, H… 1988