Title Authors Year
Recovery from acidification in the UK: Evidence from 15 years of acid waters monitoring Monteith, D.T… 2005
Atmospheric aerosol light scattering and surface wetness influence the diurnal pattern of net ecosystem exchange in a semi-arid ponderosa pine plantation. Misson, L. ;… 2005
Long-term suppression of wetland methane flux following a pulse of simulated acid rain. Gauci, V. ;… 2005
Acidic mist reduces foliar membrane-associated calcium and impairs stomatal responsiveness in red spruce, Borer, C.H. ;… 2005
Simple Method for Fractionation of Parmelia sulcata Lichen Thalli Maslov, A.I… 2005
Biological responses to the chemical recovery of acidified fresh waters in the UK. Monteith, D.T… 2005
Options for reducing the negative effects of nitrogen in agriculture Freney, J. R. 2005
Abundance and flowering succes patterns in a short-term grazed grassland: early evidence of facilitation Bossuyt, B. ;… 2005
Mosses and the struggle for light in a nitrogen-polluted world Van der Wal, R… 2005
Long-term ecological change in British woodlands (1971 - 2001) Kirby, K. ;… 2005
Decline of acid‐sensitive plant species in heathland can be attributed to ammonium toxicity in combination with low pH. Van Den Berg,… 2005
Impact of rising tropospheric ozone on potato: effects on photosynthesis, growth, productivity and yield quality. Vandermeiren,… 2005
Biomonitoring methods for assessing the impacts of nitrogen pollution: refinement and testing Leith, I.;… 2005
Nitrogen content, 15N natural abundance and biomass of the two pleurocarpous mosses Pleurozium schreberi (Brid.) Mitt.and Scleropodium purum (Hedw.) Limpr. in relation to atmospheric nitrogen deposition. Solga, A. ;… 2005
Growth and biomass of mycorrhizal mycelia in coniferous forestsalong short natural nutrient gradients Nilsson, L.O… 2005