Title Authors Year
How extensive are the impacts of nitrogen pollution in Great Britain’s forests? Kennedy, F. 2003
Changing landscapes, habitats and vegetation diversity across Great Britain Haines-Young,… 2003
Impact of atmospheric nitrogen deposition on epiphytes in Atlantic oakwoods. Mitchell, R.J… 2003
The production of externalmycelium by ectomycorrhizal fungi in a Norway spruceforest was reduced in response to nitrogen fertilization Nilsson, L.O… 2003
Effects of past sewage sludge additions on heavy metal availability in light textured soils: implications for crop yields and metal uptakes Bhogal, A ;… 2003
Native plant species suitable as bioindicators and biomonitors for airborne fluoride Weinstein, L.… 2003
The accumulation of potentially toxic elements in edible body tissues of lambs grazing after a single application of sewage sludge Wilkinson, J.… 2003
The Role of Bryophytes in Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling. Turetsky, M.R. 2003
Long-term trends in pH, aluminium and dissolved organic carbon in Scottish fresh waters; implications for brown trout (Salmo trutta) survival McCartney, A.G… 2003
Effects of atmospheric ammonia (NH3) on terrestrial vegetation: a review Krupa, S.V. 2003
Long distance nitrogen air pollution effects on lichens in Europe. Van Herk, C.M… 2003
The interactions between plant growth, vegetation structure and soil processes in semi-natural acidic and calcareous grasslands receiving long-term inputs of simulated pollutant nitrogen deposition Carroll, J.A… 2003
Plant uptake of cadmium, zinc and manganese from four contrasting soils amended with Cd-enriched sewage sludge Ramachandran,… 2002
Monitoring with Lichens - Monitoring Lichens,Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Lichen Monitoring, Wales, United Kingdom, 16-23 August 2000 Nimis, P.L.;… 2002
Effects of manganese on the viability of vegetative diaspores of the epiphytic lichen Hypogymnia physodes Hauck, M ;… 2002